Tony Arrechi: Please Contact Us To Report Problems With New Recycle Bin

tony arrechi and frank work(File photo of Toni Arrechi with Sergeant Frank Work) After reading some complaints of malfunction of the new yellow recycle bins, Department of Public Work’s, Tony Arrechi sent us the following. Please call the DPW @ 732.905-3405 to report problems with your recycling cans. We will dispatch someone to your location to correct the problem. To the residents of Pine River, we are still delivering cans to neighborhoods so please be patient, we should be 100% by the end of June. PIZZA boxes can be thrown out in your regular trash contain. (break it up to conserve space). Don’t forget the our military /veterans this weekend and have a great Shabbat!

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  1. To John Franklin and DPW,
    I would like to know why you are going to be charging for additional Recycling cans? If you want people to recycle and the township is SAVING money and MAKING money from the people that recycle. So for a large family or someone who recycles allot I don’t think it is fair to charge for an additional can. TLS editor please forward to the DPW.
    Thank You for everything
    A recycling resident of Lakewood

  2. The question is, the people who paid extra money to have more than 1 blue bin, did they get their money back when the township collected them?

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