Tonight & Tomorrow Night: Parents – Take This Opportunity to Learn How to Keep Your Children Safe

[COMMUNICATED] On Sunday, May 8, over 100 women gathered in Ateres Reva Hall to hear a lecture from renowned child safety expert Mrs. Debbie Fox, LCSW, on protecting children from unwanted touch, talking to children about healthy boundaries, and preventing trauma. Mrs. Fox eloquently and sensitively presented clear guidance and tools critical to keeping children safe.

Given the overwhelming success and positive feedback from parents and community leaders to Sunday’s event, Mrs. Fox will be giving a second presentation on Tuesday, May 10, at 8:30 pm in Ateres Reva Hall at 500 Summer Avenue. A parallel event for men is scheduled for tonight, Monday, May 9, at 8:45 pm and will be presented by Mr. Dovid Becker, LCSW.

Recent events have led to an unprecedented demand for greater education and awareness regarding child safety. In the introduction to last night’s presentation, Harav Forchheimer stated, “the topic of molestation is, unfortunately, a relevant topic to many people and must be taken seriously.” To address this need, Lishmor, a Lakewood-based abuse prevention organization with the haskama of Harav Yaakov Forchheimer Shlita, Harav Uri Deutsch Shlita, and Harav Henoch Shachar Shlita, is arranging these educational events.

Lishmor is also partnering with the Magen Yeladim Safety Kid Program to provide safety education in schools. The school-based program includes teaching a sensitive and age-appropriate safety curriculum directly to students, as well as training staff and administrators on how to create a safe school environment. This program will be provided during the current school year to students at Bais Rivka Rochel, Bnos Yaakov, Tehilas Chaya Sara, Bnos Brocha, Bnos Esther Malka, Ohr Yehuda, Yeshiva Tiferes Torah, Mekor Hachinuch, and Yeshiva Nachlei Torah. Other schools have met with Lishmor staff and are scheduled to roll out the Lishmor training and curriculum during the 2022-2023 school year.

Lishmor is l’illuy nishmas Tziporah bas Gershon Eliyahu

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  1. On the other hand, these types of discussions should not get people all panicked and cause them to jump at everything. There are actually nice people in this world, and if a person put his hands around the shoulders of a bar mitzvah age bochur, how about appreciating that someone is being his friend?! Don’t forget hakoras hatov/appreciation!!! Turning everything into negative (and I’m not saying that this is what this org. does, I’ m just saying that some people take things too far), is absolutely wrong and smacks of the meraglim (who translated the most positive things in a horribly negative light).

    Gedolim clearly encourage physical affection. (For example, an article by R’ Dovid Kaplan of Ohr Sameach, in Hamodia, several years ago), and it is clear that while 30 years ago, it was uncommon for anyone besides a father, grandfather and maybe uncles to kiss a bar mitvah bochur at his bar mitzvah, in the past ten years, it is common for a rosh yeshiva, menahel, rebbi and even neighbor to do so. So, we see there is more understanding and trust.
    Are there more challenges in the world? Um, I think so. So, what are you doing about it?! We hear a lot about internet – and I’m sure that of every frum Yid is filtered. But it is not only that. We need more Ahavas Yisroel and more learning/singing programs etc.
    People also need to calm down in general. There is an expression ‘wake up, the war is over’. You are not living in a world of Sedom. Stop jumping at every little thing as if you got bitten by a snake R”L. If one gets worked up at every little thing in one’s life, as if it is something serious, how seriously will one be taken for anything?
    Rav Wolbe writes in Zeria Ubinian Bechinuch (translated by Feldheim as Planting and Building, Raising a Jewish Child) that smacking is terrible (he explains at length – although he doesn’t say it is ossur), and that yelling is even worse than smacking!
    So, before one becomes all defensive for one’s child — and while it’s certainly good for a parent to help out, one needs to take all this into account as well. TY
    p.s. There is of course much to discuss and understand exactly how to apply all these points, but this is food for thought.

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