TONIGHT: The Siyum on Yevamos

Ki Heim Chayinu Invites all Lomdei Hadaf, Magidei Shiur and their families to a grand celebration of:

The Siyum on Yevamos

TONIGHT! July 7, 2022 at 8:00 pm 

Mazel Tov! Completing Maseches Yevamos took diligence, hard work, and tenacity… and the rewards are beyond measure. Now, is the time to celebrate together with your family, chavrusos, maggidei shiur and the entire Klal Yisrael. 

To mark this milestone, Ki Heim Chayeinu brings you  a full program of inspiration featuring the words of our great gedolim of yesteryear, zichronam livracha, digitally remastered with subtitles and english translations. Connect with Hagaon Harav Yaakov Kamenetzky zt”l, and Hagaon Harav Shimon Schwab zt”l, and enjoy a unique tribute to Rav Nota Greeblat t”l, one fo the greatest experts on Chalitza in our times. 

Wait.. There’s more! Take part in a unique Shailos and Teshuvos season on Chalitza with Rav Moshe Heineman Shlit’a, and open your hearts to the divrei Brachah of Rav Hertzka Greenfeld of The 23 Minute Daf. 

Rabbi Yisroel Besser will be exploring his new sefer, Exalted Moments, a project of Ki Heim Chayeinu and published by Artscroll – which brings Shabbos to life like never before. The discussion is hosted by noted author Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger. 

Be a part of it! 

Ki Heim Chayeinu is at the forefront of spreading limud haTorah and enhancing the lives of yidden across the world. The 13th Siyum HaShas in Metlife Staduim saw a turning point for our nation as a whole, as 100,000 Jews of all stripes and types, young and old, banded together to promote learning Yomam Valayla. Now, with Since the Siyum on Moed, and now with the Siyum on Yevamos, the mission of Ki Heim Chayeinu to celebrate the never-ending cycle of Torah learning continues. 

The time is now – with the completion of Yevamos, we are already more than a third of the way through Shas! Just imagine what the next Global Siyum HaShas will look like in Yerushalayim im yirtze Hashem!

If you have not yet joined, or are not currently “holding” in the Daf, now is the perfect time for a fresh start! Relive the lomdus and geshmak of the Yehsivishe masechtos you learned back in Yeshiva! What better time to reinvigorate our commitment to the daily Daf?


Join Klal Yisrael’s siyum! 

Tune in TONIGHT 8:00pm at

See you there

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