Tonight: Technology Best Practices – Don’t be the Next Scam Victim

It seems like every day brings another story of victims scammed out of their life savings by increasingly malicious and sophisticated hackers and scammers. It happens to the best and the brightest, and it can ch”v happen to you too! Stay three steps ahead of the scammers by learning how to identify potential threats and and how to stay safe online.

Avrohom D. Munk, of Advanced Networking Group and expert on all things cyber, will be giving a course on Technology: Best Practices, as part of the Chesed of Lakewood business training initiative.

The course will take place tonight at 8 PM at 60 Park Avenue S.

There is no cost for admission and men and women are welcome, with separate seating.

No advance registration required. Two hours tonight can save you many hours of aggravation in the future, and many thousands of dollars lost. We hope to see you there!

[Press Release]

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