While every yungerman would be happy to sit in Kollel for years, many will eventually
join the workforce. When that happens, the adjustment can be challenging.
That’s why several like-minded individuals in Lakewood who are themselves
experiencing the transition from Kollel to the workplace developed the Hashkafah in the
Workplace Vaad where these challenges are finally being addressed.
The Vaad is addressed by choshuva Rabbonim who discuss the challenges of
transitioning from Kollel to the working world openly and offer chizuk and practical
advice on how to navigate the changes. To date, the feedback has been overwhelmingly
positive. While just fifty young men attended the first Vaad back in February, word
quickly spread across Lakewood and eventually 250 individuals attended a subsequent
Vaad with over 5,000 watching it on TorahAnytime.
Those who attend the program come away with a strong sense of focus. “In Yeshiva,”
explains one participant, “we’re surrounded by people with similar hashkafos, living the
same lifestyle. Then we go out into the world and we’re confronted by coworkers who
have very different lifestyles and goals. It can get confusing, discouraging, and lonely.
Yet nobody prepares us for this drastic change.”
Until now. At the Vaad, young working balabatim discover that they are not alone. They
realize that one can be a ben Torah and an ehrliche yid, even if they have left the four
walls of the beis medrash.
“There’s a tremendous energy and enthusiasm after a Vaad,” observes one participant,
“because it’s an opportunity for us to rethink, reimagine, and recalibrate our focus in life.
We realize that we aren’t second rate citizens just because we left Kollel. We are
balabatim with strong hashkofos and powerful Torah values. Plus, the practical advice
that we get specifically during the Q and A session is invaluable.”
Tonight at 9:00 PM, the Vaad will be addressed by Rav Elya Brudny at the Torah Links
Learning Center in Lakewood. Rav Brudny will discuss issues of chinuch, sholom bayis,
and hashkafa relevant to employees in and out of the office. A Q & A session will follow and a light dinner will be served. There is no fee to attend the event and all men are
welcome to join.
For more information, call 347-450-9146.
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Wow Cant wait Thank you Ezzy and Motty for arranging