Some have a Minhag to make a special Seudah on Purim Katan.
Tonight: Purim Katan

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Last year, a friend of mine invited me to his home for the Purim Katan Seudah. The entire meal consisted of a tiny, one-inch sliver of turkey roll and a two-ounce serving of soda.
“Hmm,” I said to my friend, “so this your version of the Purim KATAN seudah?”
“No,” he replied, “it’s my version of V’nahafoch Hu.”
Left with no choice – after finishing the barely visible seudah – I went out to the restaurant and ordered myself fifteen turkey roll sandwiches, twelve side dishes and ten 32 ounce cups of soda. Needless to say, I experienced the worst stomach ache of my life.
“Never Again!” I vowed to myself that night.
Ironically, my friend called me once again today to invite me to his home for the Purim KATAN seudah.
“Never again!” I screamed to him at the top of my lungs, before slamming down the phone and hanging up on him.
I then proceeded to phone the local take-out restaurant and order myself a twenty course meal with twenty five side dishes, and all the trappings.
However, after placing my order, I reminded myself of the excruciating stomach ache I had last year, and I immediately vowed not to repeat the same mistake: “Never again!” I swore on the spot. I then proceeded to drive down to the local pharmacy, where I ordered 20 bottles of Pepto Bismal and 15 boxes of Alka Seltzer.
“Are you ordering this antacid to stay or to go?” the pharmacist asked me.
“To go,” I said. “But make sure the antacid is fresh. I don’t want yesterday’s antacid!”
After exiting the pharmacy, I picked up my order of food, drove back home, devoured the twenty course meal, with the twenty-five side dishes and the 20 bottles of pepto bismol and 15 boxes of alka seltzer.
Several hours later, I noticed that my stomach was completly calm and pain free.
I glanced admiringly at the empty boxes and bottles of antacid medications, gave my beloved stomach a congratultory pat, and told him: “My dear stomach, now you know for certain that when I say ‘Never Again!’, I really mean it!”
Is there the same power of tefillah as on the real Purim?
Remember, there was no Purim Katan last year 😉
Which means my friend invited me to a Purim Katan seudah, and it wasn’t even Purim Katan?! THAT’S a chutzpahdike shtick! NOW, I’m REALLY angry at him!