Tonight: PCS Hosts Open House for their Renowned Real Estate Course in Conjunction with Lightstone Group

pcs[COMMUNICATED] PCS, in conjunction with the Lightstone Group, is pleased to open registration for their popular “Real Estate Investing and Beyond” course. Instructors include Dovid Lichtenstein and other industry experts.

“This is an excellent course for anyone who is already in the Real Estate industry as well as those entering the industry,” states a past participant. Topics include: Financing, Raising Equity, Multifamily, Development, Deal Analysis/ Underwriting, Property Management, Brokerage- Sales/ Financing, Legal, REO/ Distressed/ Foreclosures, Case Studies and Q & A Panel.

RE-Beyond-popupThe open house will take place tonight, at PCS at 7:30 PM. For more information call 732-905-9700 ext. 606 or email [email protected]

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