Tonight: PCS Desktop and Network Support Course Open House; Q & A with Michael Fried, CEO/ President of Tech-Keys

pcs[COMMUNICATED] The PCS Networking and Desktop Support Course open house will take place tonight, 7:30PM at PCS, 1771 Madison Ave. In anticipation of the upcoming course, PCS spoke to Mr. Motty (Michael) Fried, CEO of Tech-Keys.


Q: Please tell us about the field of Desktop and Network Support.  

Networking and desktop support technicians are responsible for making sure that computer systems are running at optimal levels so that the businesses that use the systems are able to keep their operations running smoothly. 

The field has a lot of different roles; I will list some: desktop repair, network administrator, network design, project managers, database administrators and network specialists.


Q: Why is the IT field growing? 

As every day passes we rely more and more on technology; someone needs to manage all the technology.


Q: Please tell us about the Networking and Desktop Support course.  

The IT course given by PCS is a crash course of all the knowledge needed to enter the field. While other courses teach a lot of unneeded material, this course is stripped down to only the useful information saving the attendee time and money.


Q: What can graduates of this course expect to do? 

The graduates of this course can expect to get an entry level job that can be used as a Launchpad for their career. Once working the graduates can determine what role or job they would be good at (within the field) and learn the required skills to land their dream job.


Q: Over 85 percent of the students from the previous graduating class are working in this field. Can you tell us about the current job market?

The market is great for employees right now as there is a lack of qualified IT professionals. If you are a hard, dedicated worker than finding a job should be easy.


Q: For whom would you recommend the IT field?  

The IT field is good for people that are naturally good with computers and quick learners. Because the technology is changing daily, constantly learning is required.   

For more information about the course call (732) 905-9700 ext. 606 or email [email protected]


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