[Video about Mesamche Lev] This evening, Erev Purim, an elegant reception will be held for the organization Mesamche Lev, with the attendance of comedian Yoely Lebovitz. Mesamche Lev was established in 1971 by Rabbi Zalmen Ashkenazi ztz”l, a very noble and compassionate individual who took upon himself to still the pain and shame brought on by poverty, hunger and destitution rampant in the streets of Yerushalayim. His goal: to take off a chunk of the burden of life for the many poor and destitute living in sorrowful poverty, with special sensitivity towards the needs of widows and orphans. The tzedakah is given with true ahavas yisroel and mesirus nefesh – and never is anyone turned away.
From month to month and from year to year, the list of indigent grew longer and more funds needed to be collected and dispensed. Rain, sleet, sub-zero temperatures, or illness never deterred Rabbi Ashkenazi ztz”l from pursuing his vision. He worked with unrelenting zest and passion that never diminished in the course of 40 years until his very last breath – and saw Mesamche Lev expand into a world-renowned chesed empire with a yearly budget of nearly 6 Million dollars.
Mesamche Lev’s programs reach over 11,500 needy families, via their massive twice-yearly Holiday Food Distribution before Pesach and the Yomim Tovim, a mega children’s shoe distribution before Passover, Cash stipends for needy families, widows & orphans, and an Orphan Bride Fund that helps needy yesomim or yesomos go under the chuppah worry free.
“Mesamche Lev has been gladdening the hearts of our poorest brethren in Eretz Yisroel for fourty years, with the dignity of the recipient at the forefront of the mitzvah”, the coordinators say. ”We consider it a special z’chus – and we invite you to share it with us.”
The event, which will feature a carving station, open bar and more, will be taking place at the home of Shauli Wolhendler, 11 Devash Ct, at 7:30 PM. Police will be on hand to assist with parking.
WOW….. I heard its gonna be the event of the year. cant wait to attend.
Y. Rivlin is involved- must be a very worthy cause and sure will be a major event. GO Rubin!
Lets all show our support to this wonderful organization.
Big talk about the food!!!!
Cant wait…….. Is it true they are having a open bar? party planner????
Mesamche Lev has been gladdening the hearts of our poorest brethren in Eretz Yisroel for fourty years, with the dignity of the recipient at the forefront of the mitzvah”, the coordinators say. ”We consider it a special z’chus – and we invite you to share it with us
Will my donation go to support an open bar, suchi bar and carving station? Or will it go directly to poor families without middlemen?
This sounds like the event of the year!
Who’s the caterer ganna be??? Time for new guys to debut, not the same old over and over again.
I can smell the food already…..yummmmm
Yiddish dus iz man shprach, from the new cd pesterize sung by yoli lebovitch rocks!
Bihatzlacha rabbah
Pest iz de best!
Are you guys or ladies? Who cares so much about party planers and these zachen just give me nice food. bitter gulos min redt azoi vee frion!
יאולי איז די בעסט