This evening, the Lakewood community will join together for a mass urgent kinnus for men and women on behalf of Reb Sholom Mordechai ben Rivkah Rubashkin, whose sentencing is expected to conclude tomorrow, Thursday. The event will take place at Bais Faiga Hall. A minyan for Maariv will take place at 9:45 p.m., followed by Divrei Hisorerus at 10 p.m. sharp. The gathering will be addressed by Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz, publisher of the Yated Ne’eman newspaper, who has been intimately involved in assisting Reb Sholom Mordechai during this ordeal. Tehillim will then be recited and the event will conclude at 10:30 p.m.
TONIGHT: Kinnus In Lakewood For Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin

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Please remember, we are all Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin.
Herschel and Bob have to be there tonight to show achdus, in order that all of Lakewood can come together for this important hisorerus!!
which rabbonim will attend?
please keep this as a featured story on top
A good sign,things are coming together
As sad as this story is, and it’s very very tragic, there is perhaps one nice thing that came out of this.
Heres a Lubavitch yid from Crown Heights and Lakewood is banding together to daven for him. Now thats a real kiddush Hashem!
It shows that when push comes to shove we are brothers, and brothers are there for each other in their time of need.
Perhaps in the merit of Ahavas Chinam he will merit a Yeshua.
Rav Malkiel Kotler will be speaking also.
let us not post any responses which will lessen or invalidate the seriousness of the situation. May Hashem have rachmunus.
the rosh yeshiva reb malkiel will be speaking
in our neighborhood the women said tehlim together.
With the zechus of all the Tehilim said world wide Hashem should answer out teffilos and Reb Shalom should come home very soon.
I can assure you that Reb Herschel will be there tonight….he will not be answering your township questions then….Reb herschel was the one that stated “if every keystroke that I type would help out the situation….”
re No 1.
I’m not. I pay my taxes, didn’t lie on my mortgage application and have never committed any serious offence.
Have you?
at the Bais Kaila dinner.