Tonight, Hespedim for Chazzan Antman Z”L will be be held in Lakewood, marking the end of Shivah for the Chazzan, who was Niftar at the age of 103.
The Hespedim will be taking place at the Alumni Minyan Bais Medrash, beginning with Maariv at 7:50 PM, followed by Hespedim.
Both men and women are invited to attend.
As most of the Tzibur was unable to attend the Levaya in Queens last Wednesday, organizers hope this will be an opportunity for the Tzibur to show their love and respect for the dear Chazzan, Avrohom Shloime ben Yitzchok Z”L.
Who will be maspid?
Rav Yeruchim Olshin, Rav Naftuli Klein, and a grandson will be Maspid. All Hespedim will be in English.
was he the baltefilah in alumni? for which tefillos?