[COMMUNICATED] Tonight, Wednesday evening, there will be a special event titled ‘Haircuts in Halacha’, which will be held at the Estreia Restaurant Event Hall at 978 River Ave. Doors open at 7 PM and the presentation will get under way at 7:30.
The presenter from Eretz Yisrael, Rav Avi Wiesenfeld, has discussed the various halachos which are involved in giving a kosher haircut with the major poskim of our generation, and has created a unique digital presentation to give over these psakim to the barbers and Rabbanim who need to know these halachos on a daily basis. Some of these shailos include “What is the minimum length hair that can be cut?”, “Who’s at fault, the barber or the customer?”, “The proper way to cut around the ear”.
In the words of one barber in town “Kids come into my shop on a daily basis asking for their hair to be cut in manners and styles that are very questionable in halacha. Because there are many gray areas that are not well known to the public, unfortunately, their friends have been getting these types of haircuts and they would like them, as well. This presentation is way overdue to help bring awareness and clarity to us barbers, and the public at large, so there will be no more excuses for anyone to give in to the peer pressure and rationalize that if others are doing it then there must be nothing wrong.”
The event is being sponsored by the Torah Projects Institute and will have a hot buffet, as well as complimentary seforim and posters for all barbers in attendance.
Seating is limited. To register or for more information about the event, please call 732-552-7443.
Can tls post what’s said for those who get haircut at home from parents
Can someone take a video?