Tonight: LCSC Parenting Seminar with Matis Miller, LCSW, ACT!

LCSC Parenting Seminar-Tonight-page-001LCSC: Join the overflowing crowd inspired by the first workshop! Would you like to learn effective discipline techniques? Would you like to learn the art of balancing structure and routine with flexibility? Do you find yourself wondering how you can shape your child’s behaviors one step at a time?

The Lakewood Community Services Corp. (LCSC ) Family Success Center is hosting a parenting workshop titled “Practical Parenting Skills Using Popular DBT Methods”. The presenter is well known CBT and DBT expert, Matis Miller LCSW, ACT. Mothers and fathers will gain insight, techniques, and helpful tips to enrich their parenting.

This program is open for both men and women. Rabbi Miller will be giving lots of practical tips and the presentation will include live role plays! A question and answer forum will follow the presentation.

The workshop is scheduled for tonight, Monday December 21st at Bnos Devorah, 360 Oak Street. Doors open at 7:45 pm and the program will run from 8:00 – 9:30 pm. There is no charge for this community service.

For further information about the workshop or about any of other services, please contact Mrs. Leeba Dewick at 732.886.6964 ext 1 or email [email protected].

[TLS – Press Release]

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  1. To #3, the skills you will learn here are helpful for children and adults of all ages. I was at part 1 and learned so many communication /parenting/marriage skills (and my oldest child is 3 years old). Really looking forward to tonight!

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