In a continued response to current events, women and girls are invited to join this Tuesday for the final installment of Rabbi Rubashkin’s Crash Course in Shaar HaBitachon at 8:30pm sharp at Bnos Melech, 550 James St.
Previous installments have laid the foundations and discussed how to obtain Bitachon. This Tuesday’s installment will focus on understanding Hishtadlus for what it really is, enabling us to choose the proper Hishtadlus and engage in it without hurting or losing our Bitachon.
Participants will gain tremendously even if they haven’t attended the previous installments.
The series is free of charge, dedicated to bringing bitachon and menuchas hanefesh to attendees and bracha and yeshuah for klal Yisrael.
For those who can’t make it in person, the event will be streamed live
Phone Call In: 732-839-3003
Meeting ID: 776-382-8466#
Meeting ID: 776-382-8466#
For past Installments:
Audio Stream/Download: shiurim-library/crash-course- in-shaar-habitachon/
By Phone (Chazak Hotline): 718-258-2008 (menu 9 > option 2 > number 7-0-#).