TONIGHT: Career Night at PCS

pcs[COMMUNICTAED] Discover the career that’s right for you at PCS’s Career Night! It will take place this evening, at PCS, 1771 Madison, from 7:30PM-9:30 PM.

Tonight’s presenters include: Yirmi Rieder, of Onyx Partners presenting on Real Estate; Shmuel Moerman of Elon Property Management, presenting on Property Management, Adam Lieberman of The Leiberman Group, presenting on Sales; and Colev Gestetner presenting on Healthcare.

Next Monday’s, (March 21) presenters include: Isaac Zlatkin, CPUA, actuary; Ushy Heitner, operating your own business; Zev Feldberger, programmer; Michael Fried, CEO techKeys, IT.

For more information contact: 732-905-9700 ext. 690 or [email protected]

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