TONIGHT: Bonei Olam Lakewood Auction for Women: Inspiring speakers, Personal Story, Lavish Milchig Buffet & Stunning Production

bonei[COMMUNICATED – VIDEO] Bonei Olam’s acclaimed Lakewood Auction Event will take place tonight, Wednesday evening, at Lake Terrace Hall.

The incredible program, for women, includes the fascinating firsthand account of Brenda Katina and her personal journey; a stirring musical drama: “Forever a Mother”; and a powerful inspirational message from Rabbi YY Jacobson.

Enjoy a sumptuous dairy buffet and an array of informative and practical food demos by professional gourmet chefs. This will be an evening to be inspired, energized, entertained, and uplifted, an event you do not want to miss!

Doors open at 7:00, program begins at 8:30 sharp. $20 admission fee includes $20 of tickets, door prize, and admission. Ample parking available.

boneiIf you live within the Red area (south side of the lake) as illustrated, please enter through Healthcare Way. If u do not live within the red area, please enter through Oak Street. VIP Parking for cars with 3 or more occupants.

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  1. Event was excellent speeches were inspiring production was magnificent as someone who went thru infertility this organization is close to my heart
    kudos to all the tireless organizers

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