Toms River Police Investigating Multiple Armed Robberies

Police in Toms River are investigating several incidents of armed robbery that occurred over the past 2 weeks. 

On Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at approximately 10:40 PM police responded to the 7-Eleven located at 1219 Route 166, near Hilltop Road, for a reported robbery. Upon arrival, officers met with the store clerk who reported that the suspect approached him behind the counter, threatened that he had a weapon however none was shown, and was able to retrieve an undisclosed amount of money from the cash register. The store clerk was not injured during the encounter and the suspect fled on foot. The suspect was described as a white male wearing a white sweatshirt.

On Saturday, December 26, 2020 at approximately 5:00 PM police responded to the Krauszer’s located at 946 Hooper Avenue, near James Street, for a reported robbery. Upon arrival, officers met with the store clerk who reported that the suspect attempted to gain access to the cash register however fled the store on foot following a brief struggle. The clerk was not injured in this incident. The suspect was described as a white male wearing a dark colored sweatshirt. The Ocean County Sheriff CSI Unit responded to both the 7-Eleven and Krauszer’s scenes.

On Saturday, December 19, 2020 at approximately 7:45 PM police responded to the Wawa located at 1680 Route 9, near Stevens Road, for a reported robbery. Upon arrival, officers met the gas attendant who reported that a white male suspect pushed his way into the outside kiosk and attempted to grab money from the cash register who then fled on foot. No weapon was shown.

The robberies are currently under investigation and it is unknown if the three incidents are related. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Toms River Police Department at (732)349-0150, Detective Daniel Brennan x.1290 or Detective Travis Seaman x.1368.

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  1. A Beachwood man remains behind bars after allegedly holding up a gas station on New Year’s Eve. Authorities believe he is the same man wanted in connection with three other incidents around town and one in his home town.

    Toms River Police said 33-year-old Thomas Jann faces a number of serious charges after robberies at convenience stores during the last few weeks.

    Police said on December 31, officers were called to the Exxon station on Route 37 East for a reported robbery. When officers arrived, the store clerk said that a white male threw hot coffee on him and then took money out of the cash register. The man fled on foot towards Route 166.

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