Tuesday To Be Hottest Day Of Heat Wave, Temperatures To Reach Over 100 Degrees

cooling off in heat jmThe weather service says Tuesday is expected to be the hottest day of the stretch, with highs from 100 to 102 degrees. Wednesday should be the most humid of the three days. A slight break is expected toward the end of the week. The weather service is advising people to avoid prolonged time outdoors, to check on elderly relatives and neighbors and to make sure pets are properly cared for.

Health officials advise doing the following to avoid heat-related illnesses:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Water and sports drinks are best.
  • Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes in light colors. Wear a hat and sunglasses. Use an umbrella and sunblock.
  • Avoid activity during the hottest periods. Do the strenuous stuff in the early morning or late evening. AP
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