Today Marks One Year Since Horrific Jersey City Attack

Today, December 10th, marks the first anniversary of the murderous, hate-fueled attack on a Jewish grocery store in Jersey City, NJ. The attack, carried out by multiple gunmen, killed Detective Joseph Seals, Mrs. Mindy Ferencz, Douglas Miguel Rodriguez, and Moshe Deutsch, hy”d.

The attackers were members of a radical anti-Semitic group and had spewed Jew-hatred online before wreaking their murderous carnage, and had homemade bombs loaded in a truck that could have wrought damage on an area the size of 5 football fields. Those bombs were thankfully found before they could be detonated. The perpetrators were killed in a shootout with police during the attack.

NJ Attorney General Gurbir Grewal will join a virtual town hall on Thursday along with several high-ranking officials to honor the lives lost in the horrific attack and discuss how they are combatting bias and hate in New Jersey.

Governor Murphy on Wednesday noted the anniversary of the attack. “Tomorrow will mark the first anniversary of the hate-inspired attack on the Jewish community in Jersey City which took four lives,” Murphy wrote on Twitter. “Tomorrow is also the first night of Hannukah. It’s my fervent hope that the light of the menorah leads our work to remove hate from wherever it lurks.”







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