[COMMUNICATED] At the Bais Horaah of Lakewood we are proud to host one of the most prominent kollelim worldwide, comprised of outstanding yungerleit learning in-depth halacha with great hasmada. The yungerleit are focused on achieving proficiency in halacha with the goal of having the ability to answer halachic queries with clarity. Indeed, many of our kollel alumni have assumed positions as Rabbanim in various communities, including several who answer the non-stop shailos that come in to our Bais Horaah on a daily basis. We desperately need sufficient funding to help maintain this vital institution and ensure that it continues to flourish.
Before this Rosh Hashana, grab the zechus of Hachzakas HaTorah! With over 35 rabbanim answering more than 60,000 shielos yearly, serving a myriad of communities around the country and worldwide, the Kollel Bais Hora’ah could not continue to function as a place for avriechim to learn in kollel and reaceive on-site shimush in practical halacha and rabbanus without your generous help TODAY!
Remember, every donation is qaudrupled, and it’s all or nothing in just 24 hours! Together, let’s increase k’vod shamayim; right hear, right now.
Tizku L’mitzvos!
CLICK HERE to take part in supporting the Bais Horaah of Lakewood.