TLS Servers Updated

UPDATED: TLS is proud to announce that we have again upgraded our server to better serve you with a quicker and more reliable browsing experience. As our readership continues to grow, so do our efforts to enhance our site.

We apologize for any inconveniences you may have experienced until now, and look forward to continue being your Lakewood news source.

We’d also like to take this moment to thank Duvys Media for their around-the-clock support.

UPDATE: We apologize that many have been experiencing much difficulty getting onto our site. Those issues were due to the transfer of the new servers.

We hope all will run smoothly from here on.

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Got a news tip? Email us at [email protected], Text 415-857-2667, or WhatsApp 609-661-8668.


  1. I love this website for its quick and up to the minute news but you still seem to have problems with your servers (my theory is that you can’t keep up with such a high volume of traffic – just like Route 9). Please try a figure out what the issue may still be so that you can rectify it and keep me as a fan!

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