Last week, an Asifa was held to a be Mechazek women to remain steadfast in face of the challenges posed by the world of technology.
As a result, numerous businesses chose to shut their social media pages for good.
The move was noticed.
In an effort to boost the businesses which chose to shut their pages for Kedusha purposes, TLS and Scoop Outdoor will be offering – for a limited time (and pending availability) – a whopping 50% discount on all advertising.
We have limited ad space available, but we here at TLS acknowledge the Mesiras Nefesh and are doing our part to assist the businesses who took the leap and made a drastic decision to bring more Kedusha to Klal Yisroel.
You can contact TLS here, and Scoop Outdoor here.
In notes, please note ’50OffAsifa’.
Wow! Kol Hakavod!
when will Lakewood Scoop step up and get rid of THEIR social media/ whatsapp staus ?
There is a book published by Artscroll, called “The Other Side of the Story”.
The book was written by Rebbetzin Yehudis Samet.
I think if you read this book, it will help you to become a better person and also a happier person.
You will realize that it is very silly to knock the other guy.
UMMMMM the Asifa was against Jewish news sites also, so like well give you a discount cuz of the Asifa but not listen to what the Asifa said… Or something like that????
As a gender-neutral individual, I am astounded by this sudden shutting down of social media pages!
Who determines whether women should be defined as women, and not gender-neutral beings without any gender affiliation?
Serious decisions like this should be left to the Supreme Court justices – the likes of Ketanji Brown Jackson – to decide. For ultimately, only a humble individual like Jackson, who has the humility to admit that she does not know the definition of the word ‘Woman’, should determine whether women should be classified as women, and not neutral human beings.
Without commenting on the stupidity of your actual comment, what on earth do women, and the definition of said word, have to do with this post?
Apparently only Joe and I get the irony of the assifa/fatwa.
TLS will shut down when hypocrite and Joe stop rambling.
Oh, and stop using the Internet.
Hypocrite, the word is “Status” , not “Staus”
“The Asifa Said…:
You just scared the living daylights out of me.
But thank you for the Chizuk; I just removed Torah Anytime and All Daf from my phone… Wow… I feel better already…
Why should those who avoided the media to begin with lose out?
I’m sure Hashem will give the owner of TLS and Scoop Outdoors a %50 raise if they shut down their news sites.
I think it would have been so much better and more tzanuah if this young lady addressed her concerns privately and not on a site for all the world to read.