TLS Rolls Out Updated Classifieds Section

You may have noticed our current Classifieds Section to be inactive the last few weeks, that’s because our team was working on a new system.

The new Classifieds Section actually allows users to post classifieds in the various sections as you would any other comment. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email. The item will be reviewed by our moderators before going live.

The service, as our older service, is free.

All ads will automatically expire after 30 days.

We hope you enjoy the newly upgraded system. Feel free to leave feedback for further improvements.

Click here to view our new Classifieds Section.


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  1. Some of the classifieds are posted as white font on white background and are impossible to read.
    Otherwise looks great, and is a great improvement!

  2. Thank you tls. It’s long awaited for, for this new design of classifieds especially the jobs with dates posted. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please keep it coming as I search every day.

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