Tisha b’Av Message From Rabbi Moshe Hauer, EVP, OU

Dear Friends,

Tisha b’Av is a time to grieve deeply over what we have lost in the past and continue to be missing in the present. On this day we mourn over the loss of the Batei Mikdash, the אתחלתא דפורענותא, as well as over the subsequent generations of tragedies that we have experienced since. This year, we add to that the terrible losses we have experienced since October 7.

עת צרה היא ליעקב. In addition to grieving over past losses, as our enemies – Iran and its proxies – threaten to attack, we enter this Tisha b’Av with grave concern regarding the coming hours and days. It is therefore of great importance that we daven for the safety of Am Yisrael in Israel and everywhere. While we limit our regular daily readings of Tehillim on Tisha b’Av, this does not apply to Tehillim said in response to urgent circumstances.

It is a time for tefillah.

We hope and pray that our grief for the past and prayers for the future come together to bring the ultimate Geulah, soon in our days.

בצפייה לישועה קרובה


Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Executive Vice President

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