As the storm cleanup continues across much of New Jersey, many New Jerseyans are getting ready for the Monday morning commute back to work and school. AAA Mid-Atlantic urges drivers to make safety their number one priority. The auto club offers the following tips to help drivers get back on the road again.
“Keep informed as to what the driving situation is in your area. Common sense is key,” says Tracy Noble, spokesperson for AAA Mid-Atlantic. “Motorists should use extreme caution when venturing out Monday morning, as overnight icing will compromise roadways. For everyone’s safety on the roads, drivers should properly clean off their vehicle. Once out on the road, slow down, allow plenty of extra time, increase following distances, and accelerate and brake slowly.”
Before Heading Out:
- See and Be Seen – If you haven’t done so already, clean off your vehicle COMPLETELY. Make sure your headlights and taillights are visible. Check your lights and turn signals to make sure they are working.
- Start Your Engine – Turn your car on and let it run for a short time to make sure your battery is in good working order and that your heater and front and rear defrosters can clear your windows.
- Clear a Path – Make sure there is enough space to move your vehicle in and out of your driveway/parking space and that you can easily see the cars parked close to you while doing so.
- Pack an Emergency Kit – No one ever plans to get stranded. Prepare yourself by packing extra blankets, kitty litter, snacks, water, an ice scraper, flashlight with extra batteries, a shovel and make sure your cell phone is completely charged before you leave.
- Timing is Everything – Allow extra time for your commute. Expect traffic to travel at a much slower pace.
- Cold Weather “Hot Spots” – Keep an eye out for bridges, culverts, on and off ramps and elevated highways. Be alert for “Black Ice.”
- Keep Your Distance – Slow down and increase the distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Observe other vehicles to determine existing road conditions.
The 1st key to safe driving is to have out streets PLOWED!!
and drive on a lower gear
I had to drive through Westgate this morning, and lo and behold, there was a school bus in front of me! A school bus? Which school has a bus doing routes on the streets of Lakewood this morning?! Of course, when the bus neared Radin and the New Central side, where cars are parked on the street, and there was only one lane available, all the cars coming from the opposite direction had to back out. Frankly, I believe it it irresponsible for any school to have bussing as long as the streets are impassable. It’s mammash a mitzvah haboah b’aveirah to bring children to learn Torah and make an absolute wreck of the city streets. Chosid Shoteh!