Tiferes Devorah L’kallah Dinner this Motzei Shabbos

tdlby M.K. This Motzei Shabbos at 8:00, Tiferes Devorah L’Kallah will be having their annual dinner in the Bais Faiga hall.

This year TDL is paying tribute to 2 Rabbonim from our Kehila, Rav Moshe Chaim Kahan from the Wiliams street shul  and Rav Shalom Lowy from Rachmastrivka. The Guests of honor are Mr and Mrs Zevy Brown and Mr and Mrs Avrohom Buchler and the dinner is being dedicated lz”n Mrs Esther Buchler a”h. The dinner chairman will be R Yirmi Rieder.

On Motzei Shabbos the Lakewood Kehila will have the opportunity to show their support to one of Lakewoods vital moisdois. TDL’s mission is to restore the joy to a kallah and her family in their time of joy. TDL supplies Lakewood Kallahs with much of the housewares one needs to set up their home. A full Kallah package is valued at over $5000. This year TDL has helped over 250 Kallahs, over 1800 since its establishment 18 years ago.

Please come share your support this Motzei Shabbos and help enable TDL to continue its vital work on behalf of the Lakewood kehila.


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  1. I was there last year. Very nice program, good food and doing a mitzva at the same time. What a way to spend your motzei Shabbos!
    I had a sister who was helped by TDL and can go on for hours about the chashivus of this moisad. Everything is done in such a discreet beautiful way. I hereby pledge $100 to Tiferes Devorah L’Kallah. Please follow me and put your pledge here.

  2. This is an amazing moisad. These are kallahs who cannot, for whatever reason, fill their homes with simple, basic, house furnishings. Like cutlery, towels, stuff like that. TDL mamesh sets up their homes. What R Chaim Shaul and staff are doing with this is incredible and awe-inspiring.

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