Chazal teach us that the day of a tzadik’s yahrtzeit is a most auspicious day, a יום סגולה ועת רצון, to connect with the tzadik, granting us the potential to elicit brochos and yeshuos min hashomayim in the zechus of the tzadik.
Thursday, Gimmel Tammuz 5783 Year of Hakhel (June 22, 2023), marks the 29th yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe זי”ע.
The following are some suggested ways to commemorate this auspicious day and the days in close proximity to it.
לימוד התורה
Learn a Torah teaching of the Rebbe, the baal hahilula, which may be found in over 250 volumes of his chidushei Torah.
אהבת ישראל
Reach out to a fellow Jew in chesed. Share the warmth and beauty of Yiddishkeit with another Yid.
אהל הקדוש
Be mispalel at the Rebbe’s tziyon. A kvittel may also be sent to the Ohel (see details below).
May all of our tefilos be answered, and may we merit the geulah sheleimah speedily in our days.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Ohel is located in Queens at:
226-20 Francis Lewis Blvd.
Cambria Heights, NY 11411
⦁ Open 24 Hours
⦁ Open to Men and Women
⦁ Kohanim-Accessible
⦁ Shul and Minyanim
⦁ Beis Hamedrash
⦁ Mikvah on Premises
⦁ Light Refreshments
To send a kvittel to be placed at the Ohel, call 718-723-4545 or visit
Thank you for posting this. May Hashem bless you that you should continue to inspire Yidden with the Holy teachings of the Rebbe.
Moshiach now
@WWMN you practically stole my username;-)
was this a paid ad?
The Rebbe’s name, mother’s name, date and place of birth and yahrtzeit are coded into Parshat Chayai Sarah.