Thursday, January 14 $5,000 Oorah Bonus Expiring Soon

news-pics-EB[COMMUNICATED] Ever missed a deal by a few days, a few hours, or even minutes? Just seconds too late, and you know there’s nothing you can do. If you miss it, it’s over. Regret is the acid in your mouth, the pit in your stomach when you know you cannot benefit from what you’ve passed up. Missed opportunities hurt.

It’s almost January 14. Will you miss this opportunity? This Thursday, Oorah will be drawing the winner for the $5,000 bonus raffle. This deal of a lifetime is almost gone. If you donate to the Oorah Auction, you can win! Many have already joined-make sure you won’t regret it!

Don’t miss the early bird deadline. Donate now to enter the $5,000 bonus raffle.

Enter NOW to win the best prizes EVER!

Don’t miss it! ENTER NOW!

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