The event will feature a Kumzitz, a lavish buffet and gifts. Tickets for the auction will be sold at the event, or can be purchased online here.
The event will begin at 7:30 PM, at 5 Olive Court, Lakewood
The event will feature a Kumzitz, a lavish buffet and gifts. Tickets for the auction will be sold at the event, or can be purchased online here.
The event will begin at 7:30 PM, at 5 Olive Court, Lakewood
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I cant wait to take part in this great cause, and especially show my support for a good friend YOCHI!!!!! Go Yochi Brocha and Hatzlucha
Wow YOCHI great JOB!!!!!!!! well deserved honor!!! you are a true inspiration to us all!!! ant wait to see you tommorow
what a great honor!!!
Yechiel We cant wait !!!so nice of U to give ure home away for such a choshever org
Yochi you truly are an inspiration to all of us!!! I cant wait to see you and come in YOUR honor!!!!!!!!! Yochi You are a ROCK STAR