Threaten That K-9 Dog, And Get Up To $10,000 Fine And Prison Time

k9_dog_in_lakewood_searchA Bridgewater police dog is the namesake for a proposed New Jersey law that would stiffen penalties for injuring or threatening the lives of law enforcement animals. Dano, a narcotics-sniffing Belgian Malinois (male-in-WAH’), was threatened in 2008 by a suspected drug dealer. Although the suspect was later arrested, Dano’s handler, Bridgewater Police Lt. Tim Pino, said he worried about his family’s safety because the dog and the K-9 vehicle go home with him.

A bill sponsored by state Sen. Christopher Bateman of Branchburg would make taunting, tormenting or threatening the life of a police dog or horse punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and 18 months in jail. It’s currently only a disorderly persons offense. AP

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  1. That’s a great law! Police Narcotic dogs or Bomb dogs are great assets to the community. The have such a superior sense of smell and can do things that their human officers cannot. It’s time for Lakewood to invest in a K-9 dog. With many potential terrorist targets, such as the Co-Gen plant, NJT bus station and BMG, that could possibly help detect a potential threat. I have seen many police dogs in Lakewood called to help locate a missing child or elderly person with Alzheimer’s. They have been very successful. A dog could also help people in the community have a better understanding of dog safety to show that most dogs are very friendly, with the exceptions of pit bulls.

  2. police dog(S) would decrease crime in this town astronomically, we need the support of the elderly and the “community” to make it happen! Right now the P.D. believes that just because the county and surrounding towns have k-9’s; Lakewood doesnt need one. Yet, it could take up to an hour for one of them to respond to our town. Now if your child was missing, would you wanna wait an hour?!? NOT ME!

    side note: #1, any dog can be aggressive, its the responsibility of the owner to make sure the dog is properly trained and socialized to avoid aggression. Pit bulls were bred to be “game” that is have a very high prey drive, thats why IRRESPONSIBLE owners have used them in the past to fight. PitBulls that are properly trained are very courageous, playful, loving and loyal companions. A poodle could be just as dangerous. Dont fear the dog, fear the owner!!

  3. For decades the Lakewood Police had a K-9 unit it was founded by a friend of mines father who passed away recently. After his father retired I believe Officer Ray Przewoznik took over the dogs for several years and unless I’m mistaken the unit was eliminated in the late 90’s due to budget cuts.

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