Thousands Without Power in Toms River [UPDATED]

As earlier reported on TLS Status, thousands of people are without power this morning in Toms River.

As of about 6:00 AM, around 15,000 were out of power.

As of 7:00 AM, approximately 6,000 remain without power.

The company says the cause is damaged circuits, and power is expected to be restored by 10:00 AM.

The temperatures are in the twenties.

UPDATE: The company now says about 4,000 customers are still out, and restoration time is at 11:00 AM.

UPDATE: JCP&L spokesman Chris Hoenig tells TLS power has been restored to all customers.

He stated, “Overnight, a trip of a high voltage transmission line resulted in an outage that initially affected approximately 8,800 JCP&L customers. Approx. 2,700 customers were restored within 45 minutes while crews worked to isolate and restore the remaining customers. Another 2,100 customers were restored at 7:05am and the remaining 4,000 customers were restored at 8:00am. The cause of the trip remains under investigation.”

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  1. If any private company had as many failures as JCP&L, it would be totally bankrupt & would have to close down. There is a power failure in the news a few times a week. Only a monopoly like JCP&L can get away with this and still exist.

  2. How is this company even still in business! Definitely time to consider other options. I think this company should be the ones under investigation

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