With great excitement and simcha shel mitzva on completing the Torah:
Thousands of people will open the siyumei haShas events on Motzai Shabbos at the Jerusalem International Convention Center, at the first in the series of Dirshu siyumim Ticket sales for the Jerusalem International Convention Center and Bayis Shel Torah events have ended * Registration for the Dirshu Daf Hayomi tests during the new cycle is continuing * Many kollelim have joined Dirshu’s new program – Daf Hakollel * Dirshu has published instructions and guidance for the large-scale event on Motzai Shabbos Chanuka at the Jerusalem International Convention Center – doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the event begins at 8:30 p.m. * The Dulzin Hall will serve as the venue for Dirshu’s monthly test on Motzai Shabbos for those with an entrance ticket to the event.
With unbounded joy in Torah, song and exhilaration, this Motzai Shabbos will see the first in the series of Dirshu siyumei haShas to be celebrated around the world in the coming months. The opening event will take place, iy”H, at the Jerusalem International Convention Center. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the event will begin, G-d willing, at 8:30 p.m. Likewise, for those with tickets to the siyum, Dirshu examinees who wish to take the test on Motzai Shabbos at the ICC, the Dulzin Hall has been allocated for the exam from 7:45 p.m.
Attendees at the Jerusalem International Convention Center will enjoy the music of Reb Motty Steinmetz, Reb Zanvil Weinberger, Reb Ahrele Samet, and Reb Yisroel Adler, accompanied by the Malchus Choir and a boys’ choir, with a giant orchestra conducted by Reb Moishy Roth. New and wonderful songs will be conducted by Reb Moshe Mordechai Mona Rosenblum, Reb Moshe Laufer, and Reb Ruvi Banet.
As publicized last week, registration for tickets for the Dirshu siyumim at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem and Yad Eliyahu in Tel Aviv has ended. The Dirshu management apologizes to the many people, many of whom are Dirshu examinees, after we were unable to supply the number of seats required for the siyumim for all the examinees at the two siyumim together.
Ticket distribution for the siyum at the Jerusalem International Convention Center ended this week, and tickets for the Yad Eliyahu event will only be distributed at a later stage. Members of the Dirshu management ask that anyone who was informed that he is entitled to a ticket and does not intend on coming, or anyone entitled to an additional ticket for a family member who does not intend coming, to immediately inform the Dirshu call center so he will not cause damage to others in light of the great demand for tickets for the siyum events.
The event for the wives of the Dirshu examinees, Bayis Shel Torah, will take place in the Teddy Hall at the Jerusalem International Convention Center on Motzai Shabbos, with a special artistic program for the wives of the examinees who have great and remarkable merits in Torah study. Doors open at 7:45 p.m.
@Everyone Can be a “Dirshu Yid”
Meanwhile, registration is continuing at the Dirshu call center for the Kinyan Hatorah Daf Hayomi examinations for the next cycle. Dirshu notes that thousands of stipends have been added to this program, meaning that a long wait will not be necessary to be admitted to the tests with stipends and the waiting time will be significantly reduced.
The need for early registration for the Daf Hayomi examination program is to enable the local test coordinators to organize themselves for the number of examinees who come to each of the test centers throughout Israel and the world. Such organization is sometimes critical regarding the need to rent additional testing venues in places where a large number of people are expected.
In parallel, large numbers are continuing to sign up for the new Dirshu program launched for the new Shas cycle as directed by Maran Sar HaTorah HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky – the Daf Hakollel program is intended to enable the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of all the Shas as part of the kollel framework and during the times for learning there, and dozens of kollelim have already announced their participation in learning according to this program.
@The New Seforim
The siyum participants will, as noted, receive the magnificent and easily read Dirshu edition of Pirkei Avos. “Old wine in a new vessel” that includes a clear commentary on the words of Chazal accompanied by stories and customs from Gedolei Yisroel connected to each saying in Pirkei Avos. Members of the World Dirshu management decided to distribute these seforim due to the fact that the Kinyan Hachochma program runs parallel to the Daf Hayomi learning, and at the same time as the new Daf Hayomi begins, many people in Am Yisroel will also begin learning Pirkei Avos according to the order of Kinyan Hachochma.
The participants will also receive the sefer Betoras Hashem Cheftzo to encourage Torah learning in depth, which arouses the learner to have special geshmack in learning the holy Torah b’iyun and includes fascinating facts and stories about the hasmodo of Gedolei Yisroel. The sefer includes a special chapter devoted to measures, weights, and volume as accepted today, including detailed tables – something extremely important for learning practical halacha.
In addition, each participant will receive a luxury volume of the Veshinantam edition for learners of Daf Hayomi. Those participating in the event at the ICC will receive the new sefer on Maseches Brachos, authored by Hagaon Hagadol Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Telz in Lakewood.
At the special event to be held at the Jerusalem ICC for the wives of those completing Shas, the Bayis Shel Torah event, with the participation of those who are “eshes chaver”, the wives of the Gedolei Yisroel, the participants will receive the Noshim Bamai Zachyon booklet – a unique sefer which includes selected chapters about women’s contribution to limmud Torah, wondrous stories from previous generations, midrashim, and pure messages.
All the seforim will be distributed at the end of the siyumim.
@ Magnetic Cards that were Distributed
Around an hour before the events begin, designated stands will open for sales of Dirshu seforim at reduced prices as part of a special, one-time fair. In addition, surplus books from the splendid Dirshu library will be sold at unprecedented prices starting at NIS 1 a volume. This year, as a special service to the participants, there will be a home delivery service for the purchased seforim, at a subsidized cost of only NIS 10.
For the sake of propriety, World Dirshu has distributed two special magnetic cards which each participant will receive together with his entrance ticket, and which will be used to receive the gift bundle of seforim and the special subsidy from the Dirshu library.
Members of the Dirshu management explain that the distribution of the seforim and the subsidized sale are intended to increase the circle of learners and encourage more and more Jews to join the circle of those studying and being examined regularly on one of the Dirshu series as determined by the Gedolei Yisroel – Kinyan Hashas, Kinyan Halocha, or Kinyan Hachochma. “This is a one time opportunity that will not be repeated, to acquire attractive, clear seforim published by Dirshu at subsidized, affordable prices, which have taken their place in the Jewish library and they are famous for their beauty and high standards throughout the Torah world,” says the Dirshu management.
Why are elementary schools closed for the siyum?
העולם מתקיים מהבל תשבײר
There are also parents who are not going either due to work or other reasons. Schools are already off for chanukah.