Moadim L’Simcha on Tuesday held their bi-annual food sale operation, supplying thousands of Lakewood families with large quantities of Yom Tov food and necessities at below-retail prices.
The event took place at the Blue Claws stadium parking lot, where thousands of pallets of items were unloaded to accommodate the thousands of customers.
The purpose of the event is to relieve some of the burden the larger families carry during the Yom Tov season.
LCSW had volunteers, as well as a light tower on hand to ensure the massive operation flowed smoothly.
unreal. THis is such a thoughtful, bakavodig way to help out the not-so-fortunate among us. Tizku L’mitzvos.
Having a large family makes us very fortunate
What an Awesome orginazation
thank you to all involved
Number 2: you are not “less fortunate”.The Aibishter covers the expenses of Shabbos and Yom Tov above the annual budget. He does it for all Yidden,bank accounts notwithstanding.
Yes being Abel to buy 3 cases bodek strawberies at below stores coast is a very big help because I use a lot of strawberries or 3 cases of tuna ty very much Moadim L’Simcha’s
I’m working and can’t make ends meet. It really bothers me that my friend who is a rebbe gets discounted luxury items such as tongue from this, while I have to choose between falling further behind in my tuition and making pesach.
This year were just davening so we even just get past the expense of matzo.
Hashem should help you manage to have all you need and then some – however, looking at this negatively cannot be good for your siyata dishmaya that you are hoping for – having an ayin tov and not being ‘bothered’ by someone else getting helped , calls for some intense cheshbon hanefesh – i’m sure it’s not easy but try and bezras Hashem , through your introspection, you wll be helped. chag kosher v’sameach
the fact that you’re working doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from moadim lsimcha.althougt it was originally for rebeim anyone who needs the help can buy there! nobody ask what you do at any time!
than you moadim lsimcha ,its such a big help for fortunate large families!
To S. Pretty sure this isnt exclusive to Rebbeim and Klai Koidesh.
#6 – this is not only rebbeimand yungeleit, it is for working people as well – you could have been there yesterday
to s – the program is available to others who need financial help – not just rebbeim. unfortunately, like you mention, there are those that are working who also need help. why dont you call moadim l’simcha and see if you can benefit from the program as well? I am not sure who advised you that you would be ineligible.
A big Thank You to the askonim of Moadim L’simcha – this is truly an amazing chesed that you do!!
In the z’chus of this beautiful Mitzva, may you be bentched with Hatzlocha & see only Nachas from your Mishpochos!!
Not true. I called them and never got the forms or the details