[COMMUNICATED] Rav Avrohom Mordechai Alter, shlit”a, Special Emissary of his father, the Rebbe Shlit”a. The Gerer community in America remains under the thrall of an incredible few days which they were privileged to spend with the bechor of the Gerer Shlit”a, who was sent especially by his father to attend a dinner for the Gerer Talmud Torah in Boro Park, to spend elevated moments of chizuk within the various Gerer communities in the Tri-State Area, and join the community in expanding and building new infrastructure for Torah and chassidus.
Arriving early Tuesday morning, Rav Avrohom Mordechai came straight to Mesivta Beis Yisroel on Sixteenth Avenue, where he davened Shachris with the bachurim, and later greeted each and every one individually. In the afternoon, a special event was held for the boys of the Gerer cheder, where they were addressed by the Rebbe’s son, Rav Hershel Rottenberg, the rov of chassidei Ger in America, the boys then sang niggunim in honor of the guest.
A brand-new shtiebel is being built at the corner of 18th Avenue and 53rd Street to serve residents of the area, and Rav Avrohom Mordechai joined a hanachas even hapinah, laying the cornerstone for this shtiebel. Here he spent time with the mispalelim, expounding upon the rich history of the Gerer chassidus in America, and how this shtiebel is one more link in this chain.
Tuesday night found the Rebbe’s son at the opening of a new shtiebel on Seventeenth Avenue. It is called Beis Yisroel Dovid, in the name of one of the most important figures in the Gerer Chassidus, Rav Yisroel Dovid Rosset, zt”l, rov of the chassidim in Haifa for more than half a century, and the ba’al makri during the teki’os on Rosh Hashanah. He was niftar earlier this year, and did not leave any children behind. Reb Yisroel Dovid Weitz, a nephew of the Gerer Rebbe, ardent supporter of the Gerer mosdos, and lifelong talmid of Rav Yisroel Dovid, dedicated this shtiebel in his memory.
Wednesday morning, Rav Avrohom Mordechai visited the Kollel Avreichim in Boro Park where he spent time with the yungeleit who represent the next generation of talmidei chachomim of Ger in America. He delivered divrei chizuk in the area of limud haTorah, and was introduced by the Rosh Kollel, Ha’Gaon Rav Meir Wideslovsky.
He davened mincha in the home of R’ Yanky Klein, a great supporter of the Gerer institutions around the world.
Wednesday night, Lag Ba’Omer, he presided over a massive hadlakah in the courtyard of the Rachmastrivka Talmud Torah in Boro Park, where thousands of Gerer Chassidim streamed from all over for an unforgettable evening of joy and spirituality.
Following the event, he departed for Monsey, where he would spend Shabbos. He visited the Admorim of Skver and Viznitz, where he was received with the utmost honor in recognition of his holy lineage and his representation of his illustrious father.
Sunday evening, the dinner was held for Talmud Torah Imrei Emes at the Eminence Ballroom in Boro Park—an event that will long remain in the memories of all those in attendance.
Rav Avrohom Mordechai distributed almonds, and a newly reprinted sefer from his ancestor and namesake, the Imrei Emes of Gur—sent especially from the Gerer Rebbe for each and every chossid. He delivered a keynote address on the incredible growth of the chassidus in America, and expressed tremendous pride in the connection that the chassidim of all ages feel toward the Rebbe shlit”a, despite the physical distance.
An oral farher on large portions of shas was administered live by the Gerer Rov, and by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Yisroel Moshe Olewski, to the bachurim and cheder talmidim—leaving all those in attendance deeply impressed at the mastery and command that they exhibited. It should be noted that this has been a project of the Gerer Rebbe shlit’a for two decades; bringing back the concept of Yidden who would master the entire Shas by heart.
That this could be taking place in America is nothing short of miraculous, and the Rebbe’s son noted as much.
These whirlwind days of building and nurturing will be remembered for a long time to come, as the revered guest and emissary, and scion of the holy dynasty of Ger, departs back to the court of his father, the Gerer Rebbe shlit”a.