Thousands in Cash Stolen from Lakewood Home; LCSW Asks Homeowners to be Vigilant

Lakewood Civilian Safety Watch (LCSW) is once again asking homeowners to be vigilant – especially during this Pesach ‘cleaning’ season. This evening, a family had their home more than just ‘cleaned for Pesach’, and they are pointing at their cleaning help as a prime suspect in the case.

LCSW tells TLS a family reported to them that several thousand dollars in cash – hidden away – was stolen from their home today. The theft was discovered moments after the Hispanic cleaning woman left for the day, but it was too late. 

“It is crucial all year round and especially now with the cleaning intensifying, to take basic steps to protect oneself against the possibility of theft occurring and to be equipped with necessary information to help police catch the perpetrator should there be a crime,” LCSW said in a statement earlier this month

LCSW advised the woman to file a police report regarding the incident – though chances are not much could be done when the theft involves cash. TLS-24 A/B.

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  1. why would anyone keep that amount of cash in house?
    i feel sorry for the family but you can’t trust your cleaning lady its that simple. here’s a little tip for the future if you have to have large amounts of money in your house and your cleaning lady is cleaning that day check your hiding spot before she leaves.

  2. This is so sad. I myself am a housekeeper for some families in town and I can understand how difficult that would be. I’m a frum woman who takes full responsibility in my client’s homes and am a person who does not steal. I feel bad for this family and hope they can have some relief.

  3. I took some cleaning help last week temporarily. Not only did she do a very mediocre job, I spent more time giving her coffee and food in the 3 hours she was by me than she did cleaning. After she was gone, I noticed that many of the jobs I gave her werent complete, and she had clearly gone through the drawers of my husbands desk. She didnt find anything because I locked what little I have up in a room she wasnt given access to. That is the best prevention…a lady is given hours to be inside your home and someone who is dishonest will look for valuables. The only answer is to use a locked safe or deadbolt your bedroom door so that they cannot steal anything from you. If they need to work in the room where your valuables are located, watch them carefully or relocate your valuables to another safe location. Hope that this family is able to recover from their loss…

  4. Seems every year there are reports of stealing during Pesach cleaning time. Perhaps it would be better if you cleaned your own home rather than hire someone. After all, how much cleaning would it require as you live there? And does the cleaning lady you hire really do a proper cleaning or does she leave bits and pieces?

  5. If you want to know why people keep cash in their homes, read the news today coming out of Europe (specifically Cyprus), and then realize that this will will happen in America too, unless the conservatives manage to stop the Democrats from spending us into oblivion.

  6. Airborn, not all Hispanics are illegals. The lady that came to me was a hispanic but an American citizen. Saw her NJ issued drivers license. And simchap, should the lcsw patrol the inside of your home to make sure your cleaning help doesnt steal from you? And to anon, we ladies should all work, cook, clean, watch and entertain children who are off from school, and make Yom Tov without any assistance??? How should we stay awake for the seder? Please dont pretend that a Yom Tov like Pesach is realistic to make without any outside help.

  7. Just because a person has a drivers license doesnt mean they are legal. There are many illegals all over Lakewood and they have valid identifiication – iys just not their identification . There are many illegals working all over the US with someone else’s legal identification.

  8. to leah: i don’t have any cleaning help, i work from 9:00 – 6:00 everyday and am still able to make Pesach without cleaning help. its called everyone in our house helps out. each night work me, my husband and kids work together to get our house ready for Pesach.

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