Plans are in the works to build a beautiful new Kollel building in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada.
Under the auspices of Rabbi Mordechai Scheiner, Kollel Ohr Yosef has grown by leaps and bounds and is now host to over 400 members each Shabbos. It has blossomed into a vibrant community and enhanced the growth of Torah institutions throughout Toronto. The Kollel has cultivated a broad circle of participants, affiliated families, friends, and supporters.
It has attracted many young families to Thornhill, many of whom actively participate in the Kollel. Today, Kollel Or Yosef is recognized in the broader community as a vital component of Toronto’s institutional infrastructure, serving as a catalyst for growth, development, and expansion of Torah study.
Founded by Mr. Warren Newfield and Mr. Yaakov Kaplan in 2007, Kollel Ohr Yosef was named for the late Joseph Tanenbaum obm. With the guidance and assistance of Rabbi Baruch Taub and other community leaders, the Kollel found its home in the BAYT from its inception in 2007 through 2019.
In the new Kollel, large windows fill the bais medrash with natural light. Lively discussions and sounds of learning will bring the building to life. At night, the light of Torah will radiate onto the streets of Thornhill, welcoming all.
This will be the heart of Thornhill.
The new, mega Kollel building will impact the community in so many new, additional ways. Night seder, mussar groups, chaburos, children’s programs, lunch n’ learns, and women’s Shiurim will be held within these walls. There will be many rows of tables with comfortable seating so no one will ever be turned away due to a lack of space.
It’s time that Thornhill has the anchor it needs to unite its community.
Please join us this February 8th and 9th and raise $4 million.
Our goal is high, but our aim is higher.
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