Weather dependent, North America will be treated to a total lunar eclipse early Tuesday morning. What makes this eclipse rare is that it coincides with the winter solstice, a feat that has not occurred in over 350 years. Tuesday’s eclipse will begin at 1:33 a.m. EST and will continue through 5:01 a.m.
Totality, the time when Earth’s shadow completely covers the moon, will start at 2:41 a.m. and lasts 72 minutes.
Roughly 3:15 a.m. will prove to be the best time to view the eclipse. NASA reports the eclipse will then be at its peak and the moon will display the most brilliant shade of coppery red.
Tuesday is a busy calendar day in the world of astronomy. Not only does the total lunar eclipse take place in the morning, but winter officially gets under way at 6:38 p.m. EST.
It is extremely rare for the two events to take place on the same date. According to NASA, the last such occurrence took place on Dec. 21, 1638. The next time the two events pair up will occur much sooner on Dec. 21, 2094. Full story in Accuweather.
This is WONDERS OF THE WORLD Hashem created & should be appreciated by everyone. may we all learn to appreciate everything & stop taking everything for granted
Who and how decides when winter starts?
this event has nothing to do with religion . this event occurd many times before modern man. !
chazal determined. it’s called tekufas teves= beginning of winter. although there is a machlokes amorayim when it is. shitas Rav (I think) comes out to Dec 21.
Religion is not modern. The modernizers are ruining religion.
I remember the last time – it was a little overcast…
I don’t know why “Modern Man” is your Era associated in relation to “this event” but, we believe, that G-d came before Man (Modern or otherwise). As such, everything is from G-d and in relation to Him.