[COMMUNICATED] Do you want the incredible Zchus of partnering in spreading Chassidisha Torah and making it more accessible to a HUGE audience of English readers?
Rabbi Tal Zwecker, popular author of many Sefarim, including Mipeninei Noam Elimelech, Ma’asei Avos, Returnity and more, will be in Lakewood this Thursday, Feb 21st.
To set up an appointment with Rabbi Zwecker, either to discuss sponsorship opportunities or a custom project, please call 516-388-8814 or email him at [email protected]
Current Projects with Available Sponsorships
- Kedushas Levi on Chumash and Moadim. Kedushas Chanukah and Kedushas Purim.
- Ohr Hachaim A Likut of Ohr Hachaim on Chumash, plus Segulos, Shevachim, and stories.
- Simchassidus – A Likut from all the Chassidish Rebbes on Simcha.
- Zera Kodesh by Rav Naphtali Ropshitzer on Torah, Moadim, and Haggadah Shel Pesach.
- Chai Vekayam – Halachos, Minhagim, and stories about Melave Malka
- Yahrzeits MeOros HaTzadikim – A compilation of biographies, stories, histories, and Torah based on the daily Yahrzeit of Tzadikim.
- Chai Vekayam – Halachos, Minhagim, and stories about Melave Malka.
- Jewish & Chassidic Meditation – A practical guide for guided imagery.
- MeOros Ohev Yisroel – Torah from the Apta Rav, Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel.
- MeOros Noam Elimelech – All new Torah stories and parables compiled from the Noam Elimelech and his brother the Rebbe Reb Zusha of Anipoli.
- Your next Sefer project!
Loved Rabbi Zwecker’s seder on Noam Elimelech!
Rabbi Zwecker does a fantastic job bringing down the depth and beauty of Chassidisha Sefarim into a format an English reader can appreciate.
very clear writer. big zehut to help him produce sefarim for general public