[Community Service] Inviting all Parents of the Lakewood Community to an evening of empowerment with Dr. David Lieberman, Award-Winning Speaker, Author & Consultant.
From the youngest age, our children exhibit clear personality traits and behavior tendencies. It is fascinating to see how some of our children seem to be replicas of our own personalities, some seem to mimic our spouses, and some seem to be a whole new combination.
The big question is, how do these differences affect our ability to parent effectively? Are we closer to the child who resembles us? Do we understand her mindset and know what to expect? Or perhaps her shortcomings are like a mirror to our own, and we judge her for not correcting what we know we need to work on.
Stop and think for a moment about the dynamics in your household and what might be behind them. Do you get along better with the child that is just like you – or the one who more closely resembles your spouse? Do you side with the child that has a personality similar to yours? Do you feel that you need to constantly explain his mind and style to your spouse? Do you work together with your spouse to empower the child who does not seem to share traits with you or your husband? Did you ever think about your interactions from the child’s point of view? What is the long-term impact of all this on your child?
Now you can get answers and guidance in navigating every kind of child with every kind of temperament!
Ready, Set, Grow is proud to invite the community to a workshop by noted speaker, author and consultant Dr. David Lieberman, to be held in their beautiful, state-of-the art building at 367 Monmouth Avenue.
Scheduled for this Motzei Shabbos, January 5 at 8:30 PM, the event is free of charge and open to men and women, with separate seating. Enjoy light refreshments. Come and bring a friend!
As a service to the community Ready. Set, Grow! will be hosting an evening of empowerment, with Dr. David Lieberman this Motzai Sahbbos Parshas Va’ara in their state-of-art-building at 367 Monmouth Ave. @ 8:30 PM.
To submit questions for Dr. Lieberman to address, please call Ready, Set, Grow! 24/6, or log on: www.RSGfamily.com