I get a $166 kollel check every two weeks. If I’m applying for HUD, do I need to report it? I just got laid off and now I’m getting $600 of Unemployment Benefits every week. We’re a family of five. Am I eligible for NJ FamilyCare?
I am self-employed and after I deduct all of my business expenses, I bring home an average of $3,200 every month. We’re a family of five. If I apply for NJ FamilyCare, will they accept all of the expenses that I deducted?
The American Government generously provides housing, healthcare, and nutritional assistance to families struggling to make ends meet and many Lakewood residents benefit from those programs.
Government Benefits programs have many detailed rules and regulations, and policies and procedures change regularly. If you are applying for or are already receiving benefits from one of those programs, you need to strictly adhere to all of the rules and regulations.
The government enforces compliance to Benefits Programs by careful review of all applications and periodic audits. Anyone facing the prospect of an audit will understandably be nervous – if you broke the rules, you’re committing fraud.
Fraud due to ignorance is still fraud!
For the past ten years, the LRRC has always been available to local residents to answer questions regarding government programs. As an additional service, the LRRC, in conjunction with the Ocean County Prosecutor’s office, is conducting a free seminar on compliance with Government Programs.
The seminar will be held in the Yeshiva Ketana auditorium this Monday, October 12, at 8:00 PM. There will be seating for men and women.
Thanks LRRC!
Can someone arrange a phone hookup or a post event video?
I would very much like to participate but cannot due to prior commitment…
I agree with this idea very much, and intent on showing up. The Lakewood scoop offten passes on warnings from the variouse relevant agencies and that has the best impact for everyone involved. That’s the gold standard for enforcing the law.
YeS I would also like a recording, bc have family obligation tomorrow night