This couple is getting married in Lakewood today

Submitted: I am a Kallah and I am getting married Beezras Hashem on 26 Teves/ January 10, 2021 to Yosef Rabinowitz.

Several unforeseen issues arose since starting to prepare for the wedding. I got sick with Coronavirus and was bedbound for almost 2 weeks. I was not able to deal with any of the issues with the wedding planning while sick in bed. I was awake until 5 AM every morning crying due to the pressure and helplessness, being too sick to do anything. The fact that I am alone in New York with no family did not make the situation any easier.

My Chosson, who is Israeli as well, is also here alone. Last Motzei Shabbos my chosson started feeling sick and preparations have stalled since. He is feeling better today B”H. Being that we are in the week before the wedding there is no direct communication between us. When I got sick with coronavirus I could not work for almost 2 weeks and now because of the wedding I need to take more time off. Our financial situation has forced us to stop all wedding preparations. Additionally, last year I was the victim of an attack and am still dealing with the physical and financial consequences. I had insurance through a Victims’ Compensation Fund, but the coverage ended after I got treatment for my broken jaw. I cannot afford to get my own insurance at this point. We are in a dire financial situation. We do not have enough money. I am kindly asking for your help. We urgently need any and all support.

Please support us and be mekayem the mitzvah of Simchas Chosson V’Kallah. “הפירות שמהם אדם אוכל בעולם הזה והקרן קיימת לעולם הבא הם… הכנסת כלה…”

Thank you for your kind support,

Sarah Weisberg and Chananya Yosef Rabinowitz

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  1. Thank you for posting. I was in Boro Park this Shabbos(I live in Passaic), and I happened to daven in the Boyaner ‘Kloiz’ on 14th Avenue. This special Chassan got an Aliya with all the Mazel Tov’s. I overheard someone asknif his father is in America, to which someone answered that he nebach had a stroke. I don’t know this Chassan, but he clearly needs us. He is definitely alone in this country trying to start a Yiddishe family. Let us join together to help what we can.

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