An APP Editorial: If history repeats itself, voters will only be trickling into the polls today to determine the fate of local school budgets and to decide who will represent them on local school boards. But with the poor state of the economy and the cuts in state aid to school districts and municipalities, turnout could be higher this year. People are much more concerned these days about how their tax dollars are being spent. There’s a lot for voters to consider at the polls, which are open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. today. Gov. Chris Christie has recommended that taxpayers vote against the budget in any town where teachers have refused to accept a pay freeze or contribute 1.5 percent of their salaries toward health benefits. Education Commissioner Bret Schundler has taken a more moderate approach, saying voters should support budgets where districts have worked hard to economize and vote against those where not enough has been done to control costs.
We agree with Schundler. Some districts have worked hard to save taxpayer money all along and should not be punished for it now. Most have been hamstrung by collective bargaining rules that make it difficult, if not downright futile, for school boards to play hardball with teachers’ unions.
Also, since most local governments make modest cuts, if any, to defeated school budgets, instead of simply voting down a budget in spendthrift districts, voters instead should concentrate on removing school board members who have a track record of fiscal irresponsibility.
Typically, about 85 percent of those eligible to vote do not turn out for school budget votes. But these times aren’t typical. If your district made every effort to excise all the fat from the budget, this year and in the past, support it. If, on the other hand, the school board did little to rein in wasteful spending, continued to be overly generous in contract negotiations during this difficult economic period and was nothing more than a rubber stamp for the superintendent, voting against the budget may be warranted.
But bear in mind that a defeated budget will likely amount to little more than a protest vote. The better option may be to take it out on incumbent school board members, replacing them with more fiscally prudent candidates, and putting pressure on state lawmakers to approve reforms that will help contain the salaries and benefits of teachers and all public employees.
The write in candidate against Ada G. is now Carl Fink. Mr. Friedman is to be included in the top slate. Everything else should remain the same. Please be aware, this change is promoted by the VAAD only, and not the Irgud Hamosdos.
I would suggest you check if the above comment is true before allowing any loony to spout off.
This will cause the vote to be split and neither Fink or Friedman getting in and allowing Ada G. and Tift to get in.
Sounds like a good plan for the opposition. Wonder if it was hatched by Ada G.’s employer
This change would make no sense, because the seniors are voting for Carl Fink on the ballot, so the only way for Friedman to get in is via write-in or he doesn’t get in at all.
This only makes sense if they actually want to do as suggested above, split the vote so that neither get in, and the incumbents who brought us this mess, a $9 million tax increase, get re-elected.
Hope to see you ALL at the next republican meeting. Singer won’t know what to do with himself once Hershel gets going!!
Maybe the seniors will write CARL in too? They read and know all about the scoop.
When those curtains close behind you, you are the one to decide who to vote for. You are under no control of some self appoint arbitrators of the community. We live in the USA were democracy is the rule of law. Vote who you feel best represents your interests.
Wonder who Ada G’s employer is. Can it be the Board attorney?
Seitler seitler again and again seitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mamash a tzadick only wants 2 help out the klal and that’s out!!! Sietler
I don’t think too many of them read the scoop.
Secondly, I don’t think they give a flip what supposedly “The VAAD says”. They would want to hear from it their people like Hobody or whatever his name is.
the person who wrote number 1 is not on the side of reducing taxes and wants to muddy the waters……
to # 9 I read the scoop and no I dont care for the vaad , just like you dont care for me or any of my kind as you put it, I vote for who I want to and not like you , have to be told to do everything.
No 1 above, recommending a write-in for Carl Fink is a phony and a flake.
This is an underhanded, unauthorized attempt to split the oilam’s vote.
The Vaad has not and is NOT making an endorsement. The Vaad is honoring its promise to defer to the Igud on all Education matters.
As the Igud states in their official endorsement signed by Rabbi Schenkolewski, the Igud consulted with key members of the Vaad before deciding, as a courtesy, and to maintain Kehilla unity.
Please follow the Igud endorsement as per the signs hanging all over town, and as per Rabbi Schenkolewski’s personal phone calls.
The above can be confirmed with the members of the Vaad.
Zach patberg from the app is obviously very close with the machers in our kehilla . He writes for them whatever they ask. He is a yid.and they have him bought
Zacharia, how are ya?