The Weekly National News Roundup | Shlomo Rudman

Protesters Storm US Capitol – Pro-Trump protesters angry at Congress for moving ahead with certifying the results of the Electoral College violently stormed Capitol Hill on Wednesday, leaving 5 people dead and dozens of others injured. One woman was shot dead by a Capitol Hill police officer while attempting to breach the Speaker’s Lobby, and a Capitol Hill police officer died from injuries sustained while fighting protesters during the melee. Another 3 individuals died from medical incidents during the protests, including one who had a heart attack and another who was reportedly crushed to death. The FBI is searching for a suspect after finding pipe bombs that were planted at RNC and DNC headquarters during the protests, and have put up a $50,000 reward for information leading to the suspect’s arrest. After Congress reconvened following the riots, several Republicans objected to the certification of the votes from several states, but their objections were struck down in House and Senate votes. Joe Biden was officially declared the winner of the presidential election.

Democrats Threaten Impeachment – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Chuck Schumer called for Trump’s Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and forcibly remove the president, threatening to begin impeachment proceedings if they failed to do so. Their calls came after President Trump failed to clearly tell protesters to stop ransacking the US Capitol, and was banned from multiple social media platforms over their claims that he was inciting violence in the United States. Reports claim that there has been talk of invoking the 25th Amendment amongst White House officials, but it is unlikely that anything will ever come of it.

Top Trump Officials Head For The Exits – Numerous top-level Trump administration officials submitted their resignations following the Capitol Hill protests, saying they could no longer be a part of the president’s team. Included in the list are Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, First Lady Chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham, Envoy to Northern Ireland Mick Mulvaney, deputy national security advisor Matt Pottinger, deputy press secretary Sara Matthews, social secretary Rickie Niceta, National Security Council Ryan Tully, and chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers Tyler Goodspeed. Reports claim that others, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, and Chief of Staff Mark Meadows have considered resigning, but are being urged not to so as not to create a power vacuum in Washington.

Democrats Sweep Georgia Runoffs – Democratic candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock beat Republicans David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in their Senate runoff races held on Tuesday, giving Democrats control of the US Senate. The reliably red state of Georgia also went for Joe Biden in the presidential election, although President Trump has claimed widespread fraud and said that he is the rightful winner of the state. With the Democratic wins in Georgia, the Dems will have control of the White House, House of Representatives, and Senate, in which Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will have the tie-breaking vote.

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  1. DC is federal territory but the executive cannot pardon himself. Nixon did not do it and if the power existed, the President would be immune from prosecution for the most heinous crimes, including murder, as long as he does not step foot outside of Washington. Self-pardon does not enjoy the presumption that a President did not collude in the commission of the crime for which the pardon forgives and is likely unconstitutional.

    Expect one or two of these treasonous White-Supremacists and nutcases that tried to overthrow the government to face the death penalty for insurrection against the United States and for a felony murder count now that a police officer has died. I imagine they won’t be executed.

    Wednesday will become a great holiday all those that hate the government. Take note, Hitler is not the idol of American White Supremacists. That ignominious honor goes to the man whose picture is hanging in the houses of of every Neo-Nazi– Timothy McVeigh.

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