By: Aaron Joseph. We all have fabulous memories of our summertime. Nothing was too dangerous, and we are all here to recall, reflect and well…. we are all here today! But, let’s face it… Today’s bungalow colonies are different than when we were growing up. While the upgraded ones are comparable to the many developments that grace Lakewood, all agree, today’s change of environment is more than just scenery.
There seems to be just one supreme concern, which is a distinct feature, common to all who spend time away from home in the bungalow colony setting. That is the ‘unknown’ variable.
Understandably, anything unknown is unsettling. So while we all anticipate relaxation time when headed up into the wild blue yonder and we all hope for that perfect vacation, some remain tense up until the day they return home. Blame it on the ‘unknown syndrome.’
While some are fortunate enough to return to the same colony year after year and basically share their lives and proximity with the same “great” crowd time and time again, some must mix-it-up with a new crowd or place. The comfort level of coming “home” to the same place and hitting it off with the same summer friends- just where you left off the year before- is heartwarming. This is especially so for the many who keep the “summer friends” on speed dial all year and see them, really, as close family friends.
Then there are those who are not so fortunate. For them, the anxiety runs highest. Aside for ones own social standing and acceptance in a new crowd that was so highly touted and recommended, there is also that level of responsible standards that for a newcomer, remains to be assessed.
This idea of standard, combined with the “change of environment,” and the “unknown variable,” can prove to be very uplifting for some, but a lethal mix for others.
We all have standards. In every venue of life, in every area, we strive to implement and maintain what to us are guiding principles and values. Naturally, in a communal setting this can prove challenging. With the right crowd, this can be a blessing.
A change of environment can be the best investment into rejuvenation of mind and spirit. What however is the intent of your change of environment. It is worthwhile to bear in mind that your intent of vacation will permeate throughout the entire atmosphere and will completely affect the attitude of everyone dependant upon you.
The ‘unknown variable’ is obviously the most challenging. The five W’s of practical writing, the: who, what, where, when, why, along with the how, can be applied to every single second of every part of bungalow colony life. Again, being with the same great crowd year after year certainly alleviates a degree of such apprehension. The right crowd will prove itself a blessing.
The ultimate decisive guide to the success of your vacation will be you. How much of an unknown are you? How much will you relax, and how much will that affect your standard, and ultimately your environment?
Bungalow colonies are a change- in venue- yes. However, is your concept of vacation external or internal?
While there is always the ‘unknown variable’ lurking beneath the surface in any given arena, be it your duplex complex or lush bungalow poolside barbeque deck, ultimately, with you as the harbinger, all will be well, and hopefully a blessing.
Have a wonderful summer, enjoy the vacation, and create that perfect crowd, that rewards you with the picture perfect vacation a person like you can create and deserves.
wow congratulation
you just took the simple and turned it into the complex (and quite incomprehensible)
why can’t going to the bungalow be just that what’s with the analyzing
Great article!
and what is your point ?!
Are you trying to avoid all the things that go on in bulgalows that are not fit to print. Because if you are, you did a great job!
It is truly “unknown” to me what the point of this article is
many people are too poor to afford this brooklyn avoda zora called “going to the country”. What’s a vacation? Haven’t had a job in a long time, can’t afford rent, schools, utilities or food, what’s a vacation? Wrong financial climate to bring up this topic.
I think what used to be a reasonable affordable escape from the city has become a luxury that not all of us can afford. As a child of the 50s, my immigrant parents did not have a lot of money, yet we managed to go the country many summers to a no frills bungalow colony. It was great! There was no life guard at the pool, no day camp or learning rebbe, but, we kids had a blast. We were free to do whatever we wanted the whole day long and we never were bored one bit. Now besides an expensive high class bungalow (not a little shack with a teeny fridge and old hotel furniture) one has to pay extra for a rebbe and day camp. Everyone goes out to eat many times and many people bring along their goytas. We never went out to eat, didn’t know what a goyta was (how hard is it to clean a 2 X nothing bungalow anyway?). The last time I went to the country it cost me a small fortune for just one week so I don’t think I’ll be going in the near future. Besides, in the fifties, we had to get out of the city, who had air conditioning? B”H, I live in a town where there are many backyard pools, most people have at least window air conditioners and there are day camps galore. I used to entertain my kids, go on trips, do arts and crafts, I couldn’t afford camp, but, they weren’t deprived.