By Yosef Chanina Schwartz. The transition from Kollel to the workforce can be a tumultuous time. In response to the growing need, a revolutionary program has been started tailored towards new job-seekers. The Early Morning Kollel Boker is a learning and networking program– created in part by local business leaders and rabonim in conjunction with PCS– that incorporates all the elements needed to ready oneself for the workforce. The seder, which starts at 6:15 AM, is led by R’ Eliezer Alster. The seder is followed by a 7:00 AM Shacharis followed by breakfast. At least once a week the Kollel will have a networking breakfast that will enable people to meet potential employers and discuss employment goals and opportunities. This schedule will provide structure to the entire day and ease the transition to the potential early mornings required by many jobs.
In conjunction with the morning seder and networking breakfasts, the Early Morning Kollel Boker will be hosting Evening Business presentations by business leaders, entrepreneurs, and recruiters. These evening presentations will give the attendees a first hand glimpse inside fields such as Real Estate, Medical, Nursing Homes, Insurance, Manufacturing, IT, Education, E-Commerce and so on. In addition, crucial topics about getting and keeping a job and advancing one’s career, as well as workshops focusing on easing the transition from kollel to work. These classes aim to broaden horizons, teach new skills and prepare Bnei Torah for their future responsibilities.
The Kollel is open to serious yungeleit who want to elevate their day and improve their parnassah prospects. The business leaders and rabbonim behind this initiative are committed to the spiritual and business training needs of each participant and to placing each member in a fitting position.
For more info: (732) 994-3873 or email: [email protected]
Great program. I highly recommend joining if your looking for a job, need direction or just want exposure and to be able to network with industry leaders. The people behind this program are selfless askanim who really care.