The Tax Revaluation Inspector Knocked on my Door – Should I let him In?


That’s the question many have asked us as the tax revaluations inspectors make their way around Lakewood.

As previously reported on TLS, the tax inspectors are in Lakewood for a revaluation  process, inspecting tall the properties in Lakewood. They will be conducting the inspections throughout the upcoming year.

The process was ordered by the Ocean County Board of Taxation and the New Jersey Division of Taxation to perform a Reassessment Program.

Due to an extension, the reassessment will be implemented for the 2017 tax year.

The Reassessment will ensure uniform and equitable assessments throughout the municipality and account for the recent changes in the real estate market. The Township has contracted Appraisal Systems, Inc. to assist in conducting the Reassessment Program.

tax assessor and asThere are approximately 20,000 residential properties and approximately 1,000 commercial properties in Lakewood, all which are undergoing the tax revaluation, Township Tax Assessor Edward Seeger told TLS.

But many have asked TLS if they are supposed to be allowing the inspectors in.

As stated by officials in a TLS video in June, property owners are not required to allow the tax assessor into their homes, however, should you choose not to, they to revalue the property at its highest potential use – such as assuming you have a finished basement and more.

tax re docIn addition, says Seeger, should you wish to challenge the assessment, you will need to allow the assessor into the home for the appeal.

And talking about appeals, “we will make mistakes,” says Seeger. “When you get a new assessment, make sure it’s correct. Most people have one property to make sure is correct, our job is approximately 26,000 properties.” But should you feel they made a mistake, set up a meeting to discuss it, Seeger says.

The inspectors are approximately 3/4 through the process, and are expected to remain here until approximately mid-year.

Representatives from the revaluation company will carry photo identification and their names will be registered with the Police Department and the Township. The company states, “please do not allow anyone to enter your home without proper identification. You will be requested to sign the field form used by the representative to acknowledge when an interior visit is made.”

Property owners will be notified by mail of their proposed new assessed values.

Any inquiries with respect to the field visit and/or valuation procedure should be directed to the Appraisal Systems Inc. office at (888) 493-8530.

Click here for a powerpoint presentation from the company explaining the process, and see previously-published video below.



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  1. Last time they did this, it was very wishy-washy. Some inspectors will give a higher valuation if, l’moshol, u ha e granite countertops or fully yiled bathrooms. Some inspectors just go by square footage. I don’t know what the official rule is but not everyone was following it. Maybe someone who has access to the rules can post them. Thanx.

  2. Sadly, the Twsp picked the perfect time to do evaluations. There was just a 4-yr run-up in prices. So, chances R the value of ur home Rose. Thus, so will ur taxes. And there’s nothing u can do about it. If too many ppl appeal, and win, like what happened 5 yrs ago, by the crash, they just raise the rate. It’s so depressing. Makes me wanna move to Cleveland. Where I can start The Cleveland Scoop !!

  3. #3 and #4 you are only proving jog a thon’s point. Instead of being understanding and sympathizing, you posted a selfish comment. Nebach!

  4. by law you are not required to let these people into your homes; what would happen though is they just would evaluate you’re him to the highest level possible
    This whole thing is everyone’s fault
    You vote these people in
    They spend a lot
    They approve a lot
    More infrastructure necessary
    More spending
    More taxes it’s an unending cycle with the leaders NOT having the taxpayer or little guy in mind at all
    There’s nothing you can do about it at this point
    Either kvetch or move

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