What a mind-blowing, heart-stopping and awe-inspiring experience standing (or shivering) in unison with over 90,000 of our brothers and sisters in celebration of Torah learning.
The Oorah section was packed with TorahMates, Zoniacs, Chillers, Volunteers and Oorah Employees and Staff. Warmed by Oorah’s complimentary welcome scarf we rejoiced mightily in this mass celebration of Torah and Am Yisroel.
For many TorahMates, it was their first time meeting their partner. Others made Siyumim of their own on Shas and other sefarim. Oorah participants from around the world gathered together to sing, dance and daven together at this monumental event.
For all those who joined us there, they will never forget the experience. For all those who couldn’t make it, take a minute to watch our highlight reel and join us next time when we will celebrate in Yerushalayim together.