The Sheer Dedication of Teaching Every Student Al Pi Darko

There is teaching, and then there is teaching with Sheer Dedication.

Sheer Dedication means focusing on the needs of every individual child. It means identifying the unique path of chinuch necessary for each student. It means diversifying one’s educational approach so that every child’s heart is touched and every mind is engaged. Chanoch lina’ar al pi darko. Klal Yisroel’s Rebbeim and Moros strive to achieve this ideal. And Torah Umesorah is there every step of the way to support and Share their Sheer Dedication. 

Torah Umesorah is there with resources that assist educators in reaching every students mind and heart. Torah Umesorah is there offering training courses focused on diversifying educational approaches. Torah Umesorah is there with mentors and coaches who guide mechanchim and mechanchos to be their very best in teaching every yachid as they build the future of Klal Yisroel.

Now, Torah Umesorah needs YOUR Sheer Dedication for our children, our chinuch, our future, so that Torah Umesorah can continue empowering the Sheer Dedication of our educators. CHINUCH TUESDAY empowers Klal Yisroel to ignite and perpetuate our most important ingredient – Chinuch. This year’s campaign, Sheer Dedication, is celebrating the Sheer Dedication and infinite impact – ain lahem shiur – of our mechanchim and mechanchos as they share their wisdom and nurture their students from across the spectrum of Klal Yisroel.

CHINUCH TUESDAY is crucial as Torah Umesorah raises $10 million to fund all that it provides for our chinuch throughout the year. We are a diverse nation, with diverse needs and diverse approaches. But we all agree that the chinuch of our children is one of the most vitally important elements of Klal Yisroel’s future and its success. Every individual member of Klal Yisroel, al pi darko, can share in the Sheer Dedication of Torah Umesorah and of our Rebbeim and Moros in being mechanech every individual student al pi darko.

As we move through the Aseres Yemei Teshuva and engage in soul-searching and look for zechusim that will bring a year of chayim, bracha, and hatzlacha, we dare not miss out on the opportunity of ensuring the pure transmission of the Torah and the Mesorah of Klal Yisroel. Join the effort. Show YOUR Sheer Dedication and ensure that every child receives a chinuch that is dedicated to their unique derech. Give generously to Torah Umesorah’s Chinuch TUesday.

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