The Secret Formula for Connecting with Our Children & The Morah Who Made That Her Legacy

[COMMUNICATED] “Educate with love”. That credo is in vogue today, but it’s easier said than done. Now more than ever, so many students feel distant from Hashem and the adults in their lives who matter. How can we give our children the connection they thirst?

Morah Murik, the principal of Bnos Bracha, had a secret, yet stunningly-simple formula: Teach about the love of Hashem by first passionately loving Hashem yourself. Educate about what it means to feel His love by sensing His embrace in your own life. Morah Murik’s straight-from-the-heart motto was, “I love Hashem and Hashem loves me.” “When I think of her,” says an anonymous alumni, “I think of someone who is so “in love” with Hashem every second.  She really instilled that in her students.”

For Morah Murik, education went hand in hand with connection and warmth. And each one of her students felt that. “I can’t describe the love. You had to be a student to know how much we loved her”, says a former student. Every student who walked through the school doors walked out feeling more warmth, more of a connection, and more cognizant of Hashem in her life.

Morah Murik is no longer here to inspire us, but we can give back by following her legacy. In honor of her yahrzeit, we’re gathering stories about Morah Murik’s wisdom,  warmth, and unique approach to chinuch. With your help, we’ll be able to compile the stories into a biography as a tribute to her memory and an inspiration for all.

Not everyone was fortunate enough to be Morah Murik’s student. If you were lucky to learn under her wing, can you give back by sharing your memories and spreading Morah Murik’s light? Share your unique stories about Morah Murik here.

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