The Season Of Shiluach Ha’kan; A Segula For Children, Shidduchim & More

[PHOTO] With the arrival of Spring, the opportunity to be Mekayam the Mitzvah of Shiluach Ha’kan also arises. As the breeding season moves into high gear, nests beging popping up all over – in trees, dryer ducts, vents and often in crevices around the home.

Aside from the reward explicitly written in the Torah, Reb Chaim Kanievsky says the Mitzvah of Shiluach Ha’kan is also a Segula to find a Shidduch.

Reb Chaim stated, that the Segula of Shiluach Hakan is for Shidduchim for boys as well as girls. Reb Chaim stated however, that the father should be the one to perform the Mitzvah.

(For those wishing to learn all the details of the Mitzvah, its Segulos and more, look for the Sefer ‘Shaleach Tishalach’, available both in English and Hebrew).

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  1. According to Rav Chaim Kanievsky after completing the Mitzvah you can put the eggs back and be Mafkir it and complete the Mitzvah again. This enables many people to do the Mitzvah on the same nest so both the father and daughter can do the Mitzvah

  2. To #6: Actually, while you are technically correct by stating Ha”Ken”, when we wrote the children’s book “The Mitzvah that Landed on our Windowsill – A Shiluach Hakan Story Captured in Photographs” (Feldheim Publishers 2010, we had the question of the title posed to R’ Chaim Kanievski.

    We were told to use the more well-known Ha”Kan” (literally “the nest”) instead of Ha”Ken” (“the mother bird”) as people are unfamiliar with the term, though technically the correct pronunciation.

    You are absolutely correct, though.

  3. To Hunch: While I was told the same thing many times as a child, it is simply untrue.

    Out of over 150 cases of Shiluach Hakan that I was personally involved with, the mother came back after handling the eggs and babies each time. In one case as many as 40 times! If the eggs are handled carefully, the mother will return.

    In 2 cases, (a number of Shiluach Hakans into the same nest) an egg was broken, and the mother returned, checked out the eggs, and then abandoned the nest.

    In one case, and egg was dented and not cracked through and the mother stayed through to the end.

    Sorry, this myth simply does not hold water.

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